Greetings Harvesters,
This is the fifth of our regular post-release updates. A special welcome to all the new players who’ve joined this past weekend during our successful 20% off Steam sale. It’s great to see the ranks swell with new fodder for the war effort.
Today’s update brings more general improvements and will see you battling it out, street by street, in an expansive new 3v3 map.
New 3v3 Map “City Outskirts”
2Sk3tchy has scouted ahead and reports back on this new frontier, ripe for the taking.

General changes:
As ever, we are hard at work implementing improvements and fixes largely based on your feedback. This week we’ve:
- Fixed an issue resulting in Bunker foundations being visible through the Fog of War.
- Improved VFX system, especially related to destructibles.
- Fixed an issue that prevented medics from healing via clicking the ability button and then left clicking the target.
- Fixed numerous Season Tree visual inconsistencies and counting errors.
- Earned coins now display on the Season Tree screen.
- Added improvements to prevent game crashes on the 6th Polania mission "Kolno in Chaos".
- Adjusted a few minor unit values in the CODEX.
- Fixed issues whereby Olga’s interaction with Changa would prevent saved games from loading or her moving after a successful load.
- Adjusted layout of achievement screen and changed the ranked image you see so that it depends on your rank.
- Adjustments made to prevent units teleporting as part of the unit avoidance system.
- Added new title "prodigal spender" for big coin spenders.
- Fixed in-game achievement to correctly reward capturing 1500 strategic positions.
Balance changes:
We continue to collect data and feedback from all your battles as we seek to make informed balance changes. This weekend’s community tournament is another excellent opportunity to evaluate gameplay and so we’ll be assessing the result of this, and more, with the aim of implementing more concrete balance changes next week.

Our Mechs are still on track!
Stay up to date as we continue to progress by joining us on:
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